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Social Security benefits and immune disorders

When you are suffering from an immune disorder, some of the most basic tasks can become seemingly impossible. Depending on the type of immune disorder you are suffering from, you may feel fatigued, anxious, depressed and suffer from fever.

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The causes of neck pain at work

Many people that have physically active roles in the workplace suffer from neck and back problems. It is common for them to dismiss such aches and pains as just part of the job. However, ignoring pains such as these could lead to a much more serious injury further down the line.

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What if my disability is not in the Blue Book?

When you are applying for Social Security Disability benefits, you will need to comply with the Social Security Administration's (SSA) guidelines for what types of illnesses are deemed eligible for support.

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Repetitive stress and your workers’ compensation rights

As a worker, you are always at a risk for developing conditions, illnesses and injuries as part of your work. When your working conditions degrade you to the point of suffering pain or not being able to work as a result, it is likely that you have a right to workers' compensation as a result.

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Has my employer violated their legal requirements?

As your employer, the business that you work for must comply with a host of legal requirements relating the working environment and your rights.

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What is the biggest danger for construction workers?

Workplace accidents at construction sites are serious matters that should be prevented when possible. For these workers, the biggest hazard that they face is falls. Falls from ladders are specifically dangerous, but falls from other locations, including scaffolding are also very serious.

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Thousands die waiting for Social Security decisions

To really understand how long it can take, you should know that thousands of people pass away every year before a ruling has even been made. Not only do they not get the payments they requested, but they're just waiting to find out if they've been approved when they pass away.

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How to prove your disability

Being defined as suffering from a disability is a very broad term. It can mean that you are either physically or mentally impaired to the point that you are unable to carry out some essential daily activities.

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What is a permanent and stationary report?

You were injured on the job. At first, you hoped to make a full recovery, but, as time goes by, it becomes clear that it's not going to happen. Your body isn't fully healing and you still have serious physical challenges.

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